Eastern Star Scholarships
College can be very expensive these days, and the little known Eastern Star Scholarships offer a great way for a scholastically gifted student to help offset these costs. And while grades may be one of the determining factors, this particular unknown scholarship is given to a high school senior that showcases qualities that benefit the community. The moral standing of the applicant is an important part of the selection process, and despite what many would believe regarding organizational scholarships such as this one, the awarded party needn’t be associated with the Order of the Eastern Star. While applicants with such associations are considered, all graduating high school seniors qualify.
The Order of the Eastern Star Scholarship offers up $250-$500 to help with tuition, books, or any other expenses that the student deems necessary. The award varies from chapter to chapter, and it is given to one student for each available scholarship. Applications are due before the end of the year, with the winning applicant receiving their scholarship allocation in the fall of the coming collegiate school year. Receiving the funding provided through one of the Eastern Star scholarships is contingent upon sending an unofficial transcript of your collegiate workload for the first semester of enrollment. A “full load” is required, which in a semester format consists of 12 units.
Those looking to apply for this little-known scholarship must meet certain academic criteria to be considered. While there are some variances involved regarding the individual chapters and their scholastic requirements, generally, students must have at least a 2.5 GPA, though a 3.0 is required by some chapters. Further, financial need will be a large part of the decision-making process. Undergraduate students are preferred, though those pursuing a Master’s or Doctorate program are welcome to submit an application. Students that are already receiving grants for athletic participation are not eligible to receive this unfamiliar scholarship.
In addition to the academic prowess exhibited by the applicants, a statement is required to help determine the academic course that the student will take. Included in this statement should be a brief description of what the student expects to gain from their collegiate experience as well as the career that they will pursue once they have their degree. Adding information regarding how you plan on ensuring graduation can also help an applicant’s chances.
Eastern Star scholarships are provided by the Order of the Eastern Star, an organization that has several ties to the Freemasons. Men and women are welcome to join the order and they maintain a close relationship with “Job’s Daughters” and “Rainbow Girls”. Both are orders that are affiliated with the organization. The group formed this scholarship originally for children of society members, but opened it up to include those that exhibit the community excellence that they promote.
This particular scholarship happens to be offered by most chapters of the organization. Unlike others where a single allocation is given, the various locations of the order offer up Eastern Star scholarships to local students. In addition to the several students receiving money each year, it’s worth noting that the scholarships given do not possess much of the same academic requirements. Instead, the character of the applicant is taken into account. Therefore, students that are active in the community immediately have a leg up on the other applicants.
Hidden scholarships are becoming increasingly important as the cost of tuition continues to rise. Students that exhibit the dedication to aiding those in the community can get help from various organizations that seek to meet the same ends. The Order of the Eastern Star has long been offering up help for those in need. For this reason, Eastern Star scholarships are a great way for a student to get a bit of help in reaching their educational goals. In terms of requirements, this particular award doesn’t require extensive writing or paperwork. Simply exhibit a strong character and a financial need, and you have already met two of the most important requirements.